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北京瑞福豪工贸有限公司始建于2005年,位于北京市通州区漷县镇,是举世闻名的京杭大运河之滨。历史上,曾是南北漕运交通的必经之地,俗有“京东~~邑”之美誉,公司地处漷县镇后地开发区,毗邻京津公路(103国道)3公里,京沈高速公路2.5公里,距国贸中心30公里,北距通州区17公里,位置可谓得天独厚! Beijing Ruifuhao Labor Trade Limited Company, founded in 2005, is located in Huoxian town, Tongzhou District, Beijing-a riverside town in the world-famous Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal. In history, this location, famed for “the first city in Jingdong”, was the only way which must be passed for North-South water transportation. The Company with geographical advantage is in the Houdi Development Zone, Huoxian town, 3 km away from the Beijing-Tianjin Highway (103 National Highway), 2.5 km away from the Jingsheng Expressway, 30 km away from the World Trade Center, north 17 km away from Tongzhou. 公司目前占地6000平方米,其中生产车间2400平方米,实验室200平方米,业务楼400平方米,是集研发、生产、销售为一体的有限公司,四年来,“瑞福豪”的员工充满活力与生机,并以其蓬勃发展的经济接受着市场的洗礼!现在的瑞福豪,具有一定的资金实力,并依靠着完善的管理体系,雄厚的技术力量,经过短短的四年,打造了一支高素质的团队,同时研发、制造了两大系列产品:一、旋风风力发电机系列(已申请了国家专利),发明专利号:200920106956.4;外观专利号:200930126476.X,品种有:旋风-WL-10W/200W/300W/500W/1000W等。二、玻璃钢产品系列:各型快艇(有关部门已经审批)、普通电瓶船、太阳能电瓶船、脚踏船及航模等十几个产品。 The current area of the Company is 6,000 m2, including 2,400 m2 of workshop, 200 m2 of lab and 400m2 of marketing building. The company integrally participates in development, research, production and marketing. For past 4 years, employees in Ruifuhao have vigorously worked together to experience the challenges and bloom the Company. After four years’ development, now Ruifuhao has reached the decent financial strength, and established a top team by means of the complete management system and the strong technical strength. Ruifuhao has researched, developed and made two big series: 1. Vortex wind generator series (Already take out national patent) with invention patent No.: 200920106956.4 and patent No. for appearance: 200930126476.X, including products: Vortex – WL - 10W, 200W, 300W, 500W and 1000W. 2. Glass reinforced plastic product serial: a variety of speed boats (Already approved by competent authorities), common battery boats, solar energy battery boats, pedalo and aeromodelling etc. 站在新的起点,“瑞福豪人”会时刻牢记昨天,努力夯实今日,展望璀璨的明朝!并以“笃诚力行”为企业之魂,将为客户提供优质的产品和满意的服务,携手与有缘之士共谱“节能环保”的新乐章! Crossing over a new supporting point, we, Ruifuhao people, will learn from the past lessons, make improvement everyday and pioneer a wonderful future. Setting the motto “Firmly believe in honesty, practice with earnestness”, we will provide our customers with the top quality products and the satisfied service, and sincerely anticipate cooperation with you to develop the business of “Energy and environment conservation”.
手机版网址:http://m.vooec.com/c_qingzhuxinxi.html 主营业务:风力发电机、玻璃钢制品、风光互补路灯 经营模式:
生产型 成立年份:2005年 |
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